Yep, Taylor and I are still here! A quick run down of the past month....
We all drove out last month and stopped in Mesa to see Lois and Steve (Drew's Aunt and Uncle), then on to Dianne's (Drew's Mom) house for another 10 days. We had a fabulous time visiting everybody, spending some time with Jeff, Marnie and Hannah, and also seeing Dan and Mary a bit. There was a wonderful party for us with great food, and lots of people!
While we were there I went to my Weight Watchers meetings with a friend to start my "maintenance" weeks to obtain lifetime status. The first week I lost .2 lbs, the second week I gained 1.5 lbs. Considering what I had eaten I was okay with that, I was still under my goal weight.
After we left San Diego we headed up to my Dad and Leslies temporary house in San Ramon. We got there on a Wednesday and Drew had to leave by Monday to head back home so he could start his ALS class. On Tuesday Taylor and I went to a class at a place called My Gym around the block, which is a kids gym and beginning gymnastics place. They had a class for her age group so we signed up for a "free trial". It was a lot of fun, but all the new faces and unfamiliar equipment had Taylor a little reserved. She did great though, and it was a lot of fun, albeit kind of cheesy. I guess I should get used to that!
Thursday I went to my weigh in with another friend, where I amazingly lost 2 lbs.! I couldn't believe it, I was in shock! They treated me to lunch after and then home we came.
Mom picked us up Friday and we came to Merced. Saturday was my Class reunion and it was a FLOP!!! Only about 30 people showed up out of my class of 400 and something. I ended up missing dinner, but it was a blessing in disguise, as I guess it was chicken and rice (and probably a veggie) served on paper plates in a teeny tiny room. I ended up having pad thai at a class mates father's restraunt. It was great! It was good to catch up to the few people that were there.
Sunday I had a coffee date with a friend, yesterdayI just hung out, today I had lunch with another friend, and tomorrow I'm having lunch with Mom and her friend, so it's been busy! I'm leaving Thursday to go up to Chico to see my Grandma and Uncle, then back to Sacramento on Saturday to see some friends and more family. I'll probably head back to Merced Sunday night or Monday morning.
Taylor is doing great, still no teeth, but she DID start crawling. She also is waving bye bye/night night/hi, and she is KIND OF blowing kisses (it's not real regular yet). She is clapping her hands a lot and the last few days she says "OOH OOH OOH OOH" all day. She could be trying to bark like the dog, or choo choo like a train, or maybe she just likes the way it sounds, but bit's kind of funny.
I'll update more when I can! It might not be until we get back on the 19th, but I'll do my best, I have lots of pics!
Love to you all!
Jen and Taylor