Can't believe it's been over a week since I posted! Not sure I'll get pictures up today or not, but I wanted to give an update!
We're still hanging in there! Still a bit sleep deprived, but I get one good stretch of sleep from about 11 or 12, to about 3:30am. The rest of the time it can vary from 1-2.5 hours of actual sleep, but it's progress! Now if I can just keep from falling asleep in the glider and waking up with kink in my neck!
Carson is getting to be a chunky Monkey! He feels heavier and heavier every day! He should with the amount he eats! We had to move him up to size 1 diapers already, as the newborns were getting snug.
He's been a pretty good baby, not colicky or anything , but he will fuss if conditions aren't perfect (clean diaper, full belly, rested, etc.). He also does not like to ride in the car. Most babies fall asleep with the movement of the car... not Carson! Most of the time he is awake all along, and gets fussy often when we are driving, I know all of the good places to pull over now since we often have to stop to calm him down, re-insert his pacifier (which he still doesn't particularly care for), and get going again.
He is definitely a "touchy" baby.. meaning he likes to have contact with somebody most of the time. I've been using my Moby Wrap (sling type carrier) a lot with him because he much prefers to be strapped up against me as opposed to lying in his bucket.
Taylor is growing up too fast all of a sudden. She's becoming a sponge with words, and she knows a lot more than we think she does. When she was asking her where her body parts were she pointed to every one of them without prompting..she knows:
elbow (she calls it her elmo, haha)
belly button
she can't say all of them, about half of them but I thought it was good that she knew what they all were! I should try and get video of it.
Her new loves are Dora the Explorer, and Elmo (she tries to sing the Elmo song, LaLaLaLa) it's pretty funny. She loves to color, thank goodness for water soluble crayons. Her new catch phrases are "Alright!" and "Oh, NOOO". She likes to build things with blocks as well.
Her potty training is going okay, we still are letting her tell us when she needs to go most of the time instead of prompting her, she tinkles several times a day, but we still aren't getting #2 most of the time until after the fact. We'll get there! In another month or two when Carson isn't quite so demanding (hopefully), we'll really start working on it, but in the meantime she seems to be doing pretty good on her own.
We had to go get her new shoes (again) the other day as the ones we got when we were in CA are too small already. Her foot measured at a 5.5, but the lady that fitted her at stride-rite suggested we go up to a 6 so we could get a little more use out of them. They are a bit big, but she can walk okay so that works. I'm sure they will fit perfectly in another month and a half! She's getting taller, but she's still a skinny minny. Her 12 month dresses and pants are too short, but her shorts are just now fitting in the waist! So she is now in 12-18 month dresses and pants (though the pants need rolled over at the waist or cinched with a tie to stay up), and still in 12 month shorts, most tops and onesies.
Drew's birthday was Sunday, and it was his day! I made him waffles for breakfast. He spent a lot of the day relaxing and playing a new game that he got with his new racing wheel, then he went for a drive for a bit, and then we went out for Chinese food. I made him some blueberry muffins for dessert (he said he didn't want a cake this time). Overall, it was a nice enjoyable day!
The weather here has been rainy for a couple of weeks. It started off nice today and I thought we might go for a walk after nap time, but it's raining again. Ohhh well.
Drew goes back to work on Monday. He had to run in to work today and help a new guy that he was sponsoring get checked in so I had my first trial run for a few hours with two awake kids. It went pretty well! I'm still kind of nervous when he goes back, but I'm sure we'll figure it out. There will be ups and downs, but overall, Taylor is pretty good and Carson doesn't do a whole lot just yet so I should be able to handle it! I think once things get going we'll work out our routine and things will be okay.
I also tried my hand at crocheting the other day. I saw these really cute hats on Etsy and I thought... I can make one of those! I even had a crochet hook hanging around. So I googled how to crochet on youtube (I've done it a little before a long time ago, but I never actually made anything), and made Carson a beanie. It's not that hat that I saw at first, but I wanted to practice something easier before I tried the cute one I saw. Hopefully I can figure that one out for a photo op while he still sleeps a decent amount. I want to make Taylor one too, if she'll wear one! It gives me something to do while I'm nursing Carson as well since scrapbooking and computer surfing are a bit difficult to reach while I'm in a chair!
Well, I'm off for now. Naptime will be over shortly. If I can get some pics uploaded tonight I will do it. I got the video off the camcorder as well, but still need to get it online for ya.
Love to you all!