Sunday 16 March 2008

LA to CA: Part 1

Since there's SOO much to share I'm going to do this in sections while I have time and I'll start from the beginning! I took a lot of pics, but I should have gotten more. You don't realize how much you miss until you go back and look! But I'll do my best to cover everything!

Friday the 29th Drew went to work and I loaded the car and got ready to go.
He got home at 11pm that night and we got on the road just about 11:30pm and started driving. Taylor slept most of the way, I would pump a bottle and whoever was sitting in the back with her would feed her. When she needed a diaper change we'd stop at a gas station and change her and top up on fuel so we didn't need to make any unnecessary stops. We took turns driving so one of us could get some rest.

On the way there we saw saw lots of this:

Also while we were driving, we saw the Dukes of Hazzard car and the Ninja Turtles Van! Whaaat??

It took about 20 hours to get from our house to Lois and Steve's in Mesa, AZ. What a long drive, but we were so excited it was no big deal! Louis held Taylor, but she was a little fussy, to be expected after such a long trip!

It's after midnight and I need to get some sleep while I can. To be continued.....

1 comment:

Amora said...

Wow, Taylor is getting so big! She's looks really long in that picture. I can't wait to read all about your trip...I've missed your posts!