Thursday 15 May 2008

She rolls!!

Taylor finally started rolling! She rolled from back to front the other day but it takes her a LONG time to get over. Today she was on her tummy and rolled straight to her back and now she does it over and over! I got it on video with my phone so the quality isn't that great, but I'm uploading it here so you can see!

We also heard from the adjuster today about the car, but basically he just said he was contacting everybody and would be out looking at vehicles on Fri, Sat, and Sunday. Hopefully he'll get to us Friday because I want to start getting it taken care of. Drew said it was already starting to smell in there, ugh! Well, what can ya do???

Off to do a little cleaning!

1 comment:

Betty said...

Oh Sweet Taylor!
Jen you were miss tonight. The girls asked for you and Taylor!